
Wednesday 24 October 2012

Lord of the Dance

Muslim Contribution

The origin of Natyanjali at Chidambaram was originally initiated at a very simple level by a Muslim
(Mr.Moideen Bai).

He used to teach dance to the young ones from Dheekshidar and families for free of cost. He used to conduct dance programmes in festive days with concepts like "Valli thirumanam" etc. The songs of his own composition were mixed with the famous kirthanas.

The Muslim veteran did it as a service without seeking any renumeration therefor and led a very simple life and stood as a pillar for religious integrity. Sri Thirumuruga Krubananda Wariar had many times appreciated the Muslim sadhu. Even I had read an article about him in the HINDU daily during 1982 or 1983. 

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

If they want me to believe in their god, they'll have to sing me better songs..... I could only believe in a god who dances. --

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German Philosopher

Dance in mythology and religion

Symbolism / Pictures

Five Actions

"O my Lord,

1.    Thy hand holding the sacred drum has made and ordered the heavens and earth and other worlds and innumerable souls.
2.  Thy lifted hand protects both the conscious and unconscious order of thy creation.
3.  All these worlds are transformed by Thy hand bearing fire.
4.  Thy sacred foot, planted on the ground, gives an abode to the tired soul struggling in the toils of causality.
5.  It is Thy lifted foot that grants eternal bliss to those that approach Thee.

These Five-Actions are indeed Thy Handiwork."
~ Chidambara Mummani Kovai 

The dance of Shiva represents His five divine activites, or panchakriya  
  1. Shrishti (creation, evolution, symbolized by the drum)
  2. Sthiti (preservation, support, by the "fear not" hand gesture of abhaya)
  3. Samhara (destruction, evolution, by the fire)
  4. Tirobhava (illusion, by the foot planted on the ground)
  5. Anugraha (release, emancipation, grace, by the foot held aloft).
It is a dual statement of stillness and motion, the static sculpture representing the intense activity of Lord Shiva. The stoic face of Lord Shiva represents his composure and neutrality, unaffected and above all forces.

Huxley Poem

O you the creator, you the destroyer, you who sustain and make an end,
Who in sunlight dance among the birds and the children at play,
Who at midnight dance among the corpses in the burning grounds,
You, Shiva, you dark and terrible Bhairava,
You Suchness and Illusion, the Void and All Things,
You are the lord of life, and therefore I have brought you flowers;
You are the lord of death, and therefore I have brought you my heart—
This heart that is now your burning ground.
Ignorance there and self shall be consumed with fire.
That you may dance, Bhairava, among the ashes.
That you may dance, Lord Shiva, in a place of flowers,
And I dance with you.

(Huxley, 167)

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